Our office staff, Mrs Linda Rutherford and Mrs Sheila Fowler, will answer the telephone when you contact our school. If you contact the school in writing or via email, please address any questions or queries to Mrs Rutherford.
If you would like a paper copy (or any other format) of any of our documents on our website please speak to the school office, who will provide them to you.
Key Contacts
- Headteacher: Mrs K Maxwell
- Deputy Headteacher: Mrs E Hopkin
- Assistant Heateachers: Mr T Whiteley and Mrs V Hughes
- Chair of Governors: Rev. Claire Soderman cofg@applegarth.n-yorks.sch.uk
Contact the school by clicking on the email link in the address area of our website
Applegarth Primary School
Mrs K Maxwell (Headteacher)
Upwell Road
North Yorkshire
T: 01609 773 521
E: admin@applegarth.n-yorks.sch.uk
For welfare and safeguarding concerns:
E: dsl@applegarth.n-yorks.sch.uk